Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 100 Numéro 143

Date 8 octobre 1895
Comté Saint John
Lieu Saint John
Journal Saint John Globe

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

The Woodstock 'Press' in an article on the late Mrs. Chas. CONNELL who died last Saturday eve. after six months of intense suffering says: Mrs. Connell was the eldest d/o Peter FISHER of Fredericton. She was a sister of the late Judge FISHER of Fredericton and L.P. FISHER of Woodstock. She was born at Fredericton 23rd Oct. 1810 and therefore was near the completion of her 85th year. Two brothers, William FISHER and Peter FISHER and one sister, Mrs. William SMITH survive her. Her first trip from Fredericton to Woodstock, where she came to visit the late Mrs. J.M. CONNELL, was made when she was a young lady of 22 or 23 years. Railways were not then dreamt of and steamboating was unknown. Then there was not even a stage running between these places. The common by-way was the tow-path and travel was by tow-boat or canoe. Her first trip was made in a tow-boat and the journey occupied a week. Nor was the primitive way of travel free from danger; the boat was capsized en-route. On July 29th, 1835 she married the late Hon. Charles CONNELL. The ceremony was performed at Fredericton by the late Dr. Somerville and the bridal trip was made to Woodstock in the same primitive manner as her first trip to the village which was to be her future home. 22 years ago she was called to bear the loss of him who had been the companion of her life 38 years. Hon. Charles Connell died 28th June 1873. The issue of their marriage was four sons and three daughters. One son, Herbert CONNELL, was drowned in the creek while quite young. George H. CONNELL, M.P. died at Ottawa Feb. 16th, 1881 and Dr. C.P. CONNELL died three years ago. The living are Wm M. CONNELL, Mrs. ANDERSON of Haliax and Misses Ella CONNELL and Alice CONNELL. Mrs. Connell was conversant with the history of the county. A woman of broad intelligence she took in interest in all public matters of general utility.
