Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 102 Numéro 1358

Date 13 février 1896
Comté Charlotte
Lieu Saint Andrews
Journal St. Andrews Beacon

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

Daniel THOMPSON, the well known teamster, came to an untimely end, Saturday afternoon last. Just after dinner he started out with his horse and sled to get a barrel of water from Berry's well on the upper part of the town. Edward CUMMINGS, who was sweeping at his brother's barn opposite the well, saw him drive up and as he usually borrowed a pail from him to lift the water with, Cummings stood the pail outside the door and went on with his work. A few minutes afterward he looked out of his stable door and notiving that Thompson's horse was standing alone at the well, he instantly supposed that Thompson had slipped on the ice around the well and tumbled into it. Despatching a boy for his brother, James CUMMINGS, Edward ran across to the well but could see no sign of any object in it. When his brother came along a minute later, a hook was dropped into the well and cathching upon Thompson's clothes he was drawn to the surface. A great gash was noticed in his forehead and life appeared to be extinct. The body was taken to J.R. Pye's carriage shop where Dr. Wade worked with it for some time in a vain effort to recuscitate it. By this time the sad news had been carried to his aged parents who lived a block or two away and when the heart-broken father arrived on the scene he requested that the body be taken to his home. A messenger was then despatched to take the terrible tidings to his poor wife who had just recently got up from a bed of confinement. ... The deceased was 43 years of age and leaves a widow and four little children. He has a brother residing in Minneapolis and two sisters married in Haverhill, Mass. The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon.
