Provincial Archives of New Brunswick

Canada as seen through the Eyes of New Brunswick Editorial Cartoonists:
The Insight and Humour of Josh Beutel and Bill Hogan

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Tidal Wave Dick
Josh Beutel, Telegraph Journal, 1978-10-21 Reference number: MC2806-7

Scope and Content
This illustration shows Richard Hatfield sitting on a stool with a "Malcolm" steering wheel in his hands [Malcolm Bricklin was the developer of the Bricklin car] and a huge tidal wave about to crash down on him.

Tidal Wave Dick

"My record speaks for itself…"

Bricklin Scandal (late 1970s)
The Bricklin Scandal emerged when Richard Hatfield, Premier of New Brunswick, invested provincial money in a car manufacturing venture that folded soon after it began. The Bricklin SV-1 was an acrylic sports car with gull-wing doors designed by Malcolm Bricklin. The car was built in Saint John and Minto, New Brunswick, but only 3,000 were made before the project was terminated.

Richard Hatfield
- Born in Woodstock, NB, April 9, 1931
- Longest-serving premier of New Brunswick, starting in 1970, stayed four terms until 1987
- Progressive Conservative
- Leader of Progressive Conservatives in NB, 1969 to 1987
- Promoted national unity and linguistic equality
- Worked for the patriation of the Constitution and a Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as well as a constitutional accord, 1987
- Controversies include the Bricklin car venture, Point Lepreau nuclear power plant, spruce-budworm spraying and party fund-raising activities
- Arrested (and acquitted) for marijuana possession shortly before 1987 election (Marijuana allegedly found in his briefcase during the Queen’s visit)
- Defeated by Liberals 1987 (losing every seat), resigned as leader of the party
- Appointed to Senate by Brian Mulroney, 1990
- Died April 26, 1991
