Provincial Archives of New Brunswick

Canada as seen through the Eyes of New Brunswick Editorial Cartoonists:
The Insight and Humour of Josh Beutel and Bill Hogan

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Employment in NB
Bill Hogan, Moncton Times-Transcript, 1995-1-17 Reference number: MC3224-103

Scope and Content
Premier Frank McKenna's strategy to stimulate the economy and stop the decline in jobs in the province through the attraction of call centers is shown by him jamming himself between the needle and the empty mark of the economy gauge while on the phone.

Employment in NB

"… Calling 1-800-jobs."

The artist actually wrote "Times Transcrappy" in the place of "Times Transcript" by his signature

Frank McKenna
- Born Francis Joseph McKenna in Apohaqui, New Brunswick, January 19, 1948
- Liberal
- First elected as MLA representing Chatham, NB, 1982
- Leader of the NB Liberals, 1985
- Became Premier, winning the largest electoral victory in Canadian history when Liberals won every seat in the NB legislature, 1987
- Key priority was job creation
- Encouraged small business growth
- Created a toll-free number to the premier's office, 1-800-MCKENNA
- Resigned as Premier in 1997on 10th anniversary of his election as premier, as promised
