Provincial Archives of New Brunswick

Canada as seen through the Eyes of New Brunswick Editorial Cartoonists:
The Insight and Humour of Josh Beutel and Bill Hogan

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Broadbent Giddyap
Josh Beutel, Telegraph Journal, 1981-9-11 Reference number: MC2806-731

Scope and Content
The ineffectiveness of the "NDP Task force on VIA Rail Service" is conveyed by through NDP leader,Ed Broadbent, driving a horse-drawn wagon that is actually being pulled by men in horse costumes.

Broadbent Giddyap

Ed Broadbent
- Born John Edward Broadbent, March 21, 1936, Oshawa, Ontario
- An MP for 21 years and leader of the NDP for 14 years before retiring from politics in 1989.
- Leader of federal New Democratic Party (NDP), 1975 to 1989. Under his leadership, the NDP had its strongest showing, reaching 43 seats in the 1988 election.
- Very popular leader, both within the party and nationally. Fought for an equitable tax system, equality for women, the constitutional entrenchment of aboriginal and economic rights.
- Stepped down in 1989 but returned to politics in 2004, winning riding of Ottawa Center for NDP. Did not re-offer in 2006, citing the health of his wife as reason.
