Provincial Archives of New Brunswick

Canada as seen through the Eyes of New Brunswick Editorial Cartoonists:
The Insight and Humour of Josh Beutel and Bill Hogan

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Cash or Charge?
Josh Beutel, Telegraph Journal, 1979-4-7 Reference number: MC2806-77

Scope and Content
The possible realities of user fees for health care is speculated on by portraying Richard Hatfield and Brenda Robertson behind a cash register as a man is being carried in on a stretcher to an emergency ward.

Cash or Charge?

"will that be cash or chargex?"

Richard Hatfield
- Born in Woodstock, NB, April 9, 1931
- Longest-serving premier of New Brunswick, starting in 1970, stayed four terms until 1987
- Progressive Conservative
- Leader of Progressive Conservatives in NB, 1969 to 1987
- Promoted national unity and linguistic equality
- Worked for the patriation of the Constitution and a Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as well as a constitutional accord, 1987
- Controversies include the Bricklin car venture, Point Lepreau nuclear power plant, spruce-budworm spraying and party fund-raising activities
- Arrested (and acquitted) for marijuana possession shortly before 1987 election (Marijuana allegedly found in his briefcase during the Queen’s visit)
- Defeated by Liberals 1987 (losing every seat), resigned as leader of the party
- Appointed to Senate by Brian Mulroney, 1990
- Died April 26, 1991
Brenda Robertson
- Born in Sussex, New Brunswick, May 23, 1929
- Progressive Conservative
- First woman elected to the New Brunswick Legislative Assembly
- First woman to become a New Brunswick Cabinet Minister
- First elected to provincial government to represent Albert riding, 1967
- Youth Minister, 1970 to 1974
- Minister of Social Welfare, 1971 to 1972
- Minister of Social Services, 1972 to 1974
- Minister of Health, 1976 and 1978 to 1982
- Minister for Social Program Reform, 1982 to 1984
- Appointed to Senate, Chair of the Senate Standing Committee on House Privileges and Regulations, 1984
- Retired, 2004
