Provincial Archives of New Brunswick

Canada as seen through the Eyes of New Brunswick Editorial Cartoonists:
The Insight and Humour of Josh Beutel and Bill Hogan

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Strike! Ed B.
Josh Beutel, Telegraph Journal, 1979 Reference number: MC2806-86

Scope and Content
The NDP, as represented by Ed Broadbent, is depicted as having little control of its destiny because the umpire, Dennis McDermott, leader of the Canadian Labour Congress, has the power.

Strike! Ed B.


Ed Broadbent
- Born John Edward Broadbent, March 21, 1936, Oshawa, Ontario
- An MP for 21 years and leader of the NDP for 14 years before retiring from politics in 1989.
- Leader of federal New Democratic Party (NDP), 1975 to 1989. Under his leadership, the NDP had its strongest showing, reaching 43 seats in the 1988 election.
- Very popular leader, both within the party and nationally. Fought for an equitable tax system, equality for women, the constitutional entrenchment of aboriginal and economic rights.
- Stepped down in 1989 but returned to politics in 2004, winning riding of Ottawa Center for NDP. Did not re-offer in 2006, citing the health of his wife as reason.
Dennis McDermott
- Active in the NDP
- Head of Canadian Auto Workers [1968 to 1978?]
- President of the Canadian Labour Congress, 1978 through 1986
- Instrumental in the foundation of the Commonwealth Trade Union Council
- Rift with Trudeau administration caused him to cut off consultation with the government
- Stepped down as Union representative when appointed Canadian Ambassador to Ireland by Brian Mulroney
