Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Fort Havoc (Wallace Hale)

Info Le langage employé dans les textes est celui utilisé par Wallace Hale. Les documents dont les Archives provinciales font l’acquisition ne sont pas traduits de la langue dans laquelle ils ont été produits.

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An ACT to erect a part of the Parish of Hillsborough in the County of Westmorland, into a distinct Town or Parish.

Passed 5th April, 1828.

Part of Hillsborough erected into a separate Parish to be called Coverdale.

I.   BE it enacted by the Lieutenant Governor, Council, and Assembly, That from and after the fifteenth day of November next, all that tract of Land situate in the Parish of Hillsborough, commencing at the mouth of Stoney Creek, so called, and running from thence west until it shall intersect the eastern side line of the Township of Salisbury; thence running northerly on the same until it meets the Petticodiac River; and from thence following the same down stream to the first mentioned boundary, shall be known and distinguished by the name of the Parish of Coverdale.

Justices on the third Tuesday in November annually, to appoint Parish officers.

II.   And be it further enacted, That the Justices of the Peace for the said County shall, and they are hereby empowered annually at the General Sessions of the Peace held for said County on the third Tuesday in November in each year, to appoint Town or Parish Officers for the said Parish of Coverdale in like manner as for other Towns or Parishes in said County.


C. 17. Anno IX. Geo. IV.   A. D. 1828.
