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16 July 2024  

Provincial Day of Mourning Monuments Featured in Brochure and YouTube Video

Monuments in honour of the province's annual Workers' Day of Mourning are featured in a new bilingual brochure and a short YouTube video prepared by the New Brunswick Labour History Project, a Community University Research Alliance led by researchers at the University of New Brunswick and the Université de Moncton.

Entitled A Guide to Day of Mourning Monuments in New Brunswick, the brochure is published to coincide with the Day of Mourning which takes place on April 28th each year. The one-minute video is entitled Day of Mourning April 28 avril Jour de deuil. The April date has been marked in the province since the 1980s and was given official recognition in the Workers Mourning Day Act in 2000.

“These Day of Mourning monuments have an important function in the history of the province,” said UNB historian David Frank. “Like other labour memorials, they give New Brunswickers a way to remember those who have made sacrifices in the workplace, and they also remind us to protect the safety of workers today and in the future.”

The brochure provides background information on the existing monuments in the province and a map showing their location. It was prepared in collaboration with the New Brunswick Federation of Labour (NBFL) and the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) and will be distributed through labour organizations, municipal councils and tourism sites.

The one-minute video includes photographs of the monuments and the original dedication ceremonies. The video presentation can be accessed on YouTube by searching the term “Day of Mourning in New Brunswick 28 April.”

Additional information on these and other “labour landmarks” in the province is available on the project website, www.lhtnb.ca.

You can view the YouTube video and read a low-resolution image of the brochure.

Further information: Carol Ferguson, Project Officer, New Brunswick Labour History Project at (506) 453-4599 or [email protected].