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16 July 2024  

Executive Officers of the New Brunswick Federation of Labour


The following pages present a list of executive officers of the New Brunswick Federation of Labour for the period from its beginnings in 1913 to the present (2011). During this period, hundreds of individuals were elected to perform various duties on behalf of the membership. In addition, by using the database of officers, it is possible to conduct searches by name, by year, by gender and by office held.

For the most part, officers were elected each year at the annual meetings of the Federation of Labour. There are exceptions, however, as elections were initially held twice a year (and there were also two conventions in 1940); moreover, since 1987, most officers have been elected for two-year terms. No conventions took place in 1945 (due to travel restrictions at the end of the war) or in 1974 (a policy conference was held instead), and in both situations the officers continued to serve for a second year. Beginning in 1960, trustees were elected to serve for one, two or three-year terms.

The list is based primarily on the proceedings of the annual meetings of the Federation. In cases where the proceedings were missing or incomplete, we consulted additional sources. We have also attempted to verify the spellings of names and to present the names in a standard form from year to year. We identified some cases in which officers did not complete a term, and where available, we have given the name of the replacement in brackets. In some cases, especially in the enlarged executive council after 2003, new affiliations and other changes in status resulted in changes in the number of officers.

The structure of the executive changed over time. In addition to the President and Secretary-Treasurer, there have been several kinds of vice-presidencies, including 1st, 2nd and 3rd (and briefly 4th and 5th) vice-presidencies. There have also been vice-presidencies based on cities, districts, counties and regions within the province. A vice-president responsible for women's issues was first elected in 1984, and a vice-president for youth in 2001. In 2003 the executive was enlarged to include representatives of the labour councils, the major affiliates (with more than 1,000 members) and two vice-presidencies for smaller unions.