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15 June 2024  

Women's Work: Focus on Caring

How Nurses Learned to Wear Two Hats: Professionals and Unionists

Letter to the Editor, “Just Another Jane Doe, R.N.” , 1975

‘Florence Nightingale Spirit' Largely Lost After Government Took Over Hospitals

Dear Sir:

There have been many items of controversy both pro and con due to the dispute between the Treasury Board and the nurses in New Brunswick. However, I feel a few important points should be clarified.

The RN contract has an opening clause which to my knowledge has not been mentioned by any of the news media. Grant you, it was a hard-fought clause to get into the contract, but it is there.

Like the nurse in McAdam, I have done many things over the past 25 years and have worked in hospitals both large and small. The hospital here was a community hospital when I first came here, and was and still is one of the best in the province as far as patient care is concerned.

I was working here when the big government take-over happened. That was a sorry day and that was when the hospitals and nurses changed. Everyone knew as a community hospital that there was just so much money available and no more: they were content to work for smaller salaries and they took pride in their hospital as a community. Then the big take-over, with numerous rules and regulations, reams of paper work and extra responsibilities.

Due to the take-over the RNs over the years have lost some of their « Florence Nightingale » feeling due to poor working conditions, overwork, lack of equipment and pay.

I for one am glad to see the RNs finally take a stand against the great « powers-that-be » who have all the say in the hospitals. It is time we stopped being « yes girls » because of the « Florence » pledge and stood on our own feet, because we have been pushed enough. Just remember, when Florence was wandering around with her lamp the Treasury Board wasn't looking over her shoulder to see where they could cut costs. Florence was a volunteer and not concerned with money or the high cost of living.

I would also like to add that not very many months ago they were crying over the lack of RNs in New Brunswick. A lot of RNs who hadn't worked for years came back and took refresher courses to help out, but you can bet your bottom dollar they would just as soon go back into hibernation if need be. Many of these are married women and they wouldn't starve to death if they never worked another day in their lives. And as for your younger nurses, they can pull up roots at any time and get employment across Canada or in the U.S.A.

My viewpoint is that it is now up to Old Devil Treasury Board to make a move. The government wanted control of hospitals, they got it. So let them put up with the hornets' nest they've stirred up. And believe me, they did the stirring.

In closing, I would like to add that I don't see the MLAs fighting for every nickel that they get.


St. Stephen, N.B.

Source: Telegraph Journal (Saint-Jean), 31 January 1975.